Parama Poojya Sri Sri Ravishankar Gurudev, with the grace of the almighty had established the Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth, The Art of living International Ashram in the outskirts of Bengaluru in 1981. The Veda Agama Samskrutha Maha Patashala was founded by Poojya Sri Sri Ravishankar Gurudev in the year 2002. The patashala would cater to the needs of the students from all over the country to learn the Dravidian styles as well as all aspects of learning related to temple worship. In addition to this, general education is also given, so that they can make the temple divine light houses in modern world.
There are 240 students of our patashala, provided with free boarding and lodging facilities, within the campus. It has already become a centre of excellence, not only in Veda, Agama and Sanskrit, but also in Jyothisham, Saiva Siddhantha, Sangeetham, Yoga, Vedic Mathematics, Thirumarai, Shilpa Sasthra, etc,. Which are also taught here by skilled and experienced faculties. Other than this education, the specialized skills of each student is being analyzed and necessary steps are taken to improve it. The course is 1 year primary and 6 years main courses. The Students are prepared for the Oriental title “Sivagama Vidyanidhi” in the Fnal Year Examination of the Patashala, ‘Agama Pravara’ examination of the HRI&CE, Govt. of Karnataka. (Maharaja Sanskrit College, Mysore), SSLC & Samskrutha Bharathi Examinations Etc.
As a New Dimension in the Patashala’s Academic courses, a 03 year Saivagama BA Degree & 02 year Saivagama MA Degree Course by the Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupati has been included. This improves the students’ knowledge in Gnanakanda of Saivagama.
A Veda Agama Research Centre has been set up for the students and teachers. The aim of the center is to conduct research in Shasthras, Agama etc., and the completed project work will be published by the Research Centre after proper peer review. Shukshmagama & Sahasragamas are the Main project assigned and taken up by VARC with the help of FIP & Kauai Aadhenam, USA.
About 130 of our Graduates are spread across the world in serving the Sanathana Dharma. Renowned Pundits of Our Patashala are presently in India, USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Malaysia & Etc..
Thus Our Each and every step fulfills Poojya Gurudev’s Vision in bringing the modern world into the Ancient Tradit ion.